
  1. What if I have forgotten my password?
  2. How do I change my password?
  3. What if I do not know the spelling of a Donor?
  4. How do I cancel a periodic payment?
  5. What if the person is not entitled to a tax deductible receipt?
  6. How do I setup REGULAR GIVING?
  7. What is the Merchandise button?
  8. What if a Donor only wants to be contacted at Christmas?
  9. Can I allocate donations in memory of a person?
  10. Why are the periodic payments not showing up in the donation report?
  11. What is the Tickets button used for?


What if I have forgotten my password?

If you have forgotten your password, click orange “Forgot your password?” on the login page. This will take you to a new screen where you will need to enter your name and email address. By pressing Reset Password an email will be sent with your new password.

How do I change my password?

Click on “Admin” found in the top right hand corner and select “Change Password”. Type in your current password (or copy from the email sent to you) then type in the new password. By clicking on CHANGE your password will be updated.

What if I do not know the spelling of a Donor?

The advanced search feature allows you to search by a number of options, typing in only the first few letters or characters of a field. For example to search for Lawrance type in just law into the Surname field (the search is not case sensitive). You can further refine the search by filling in additional fields like A into the firstname for Alan. This will then find Alan Lawrance.

How do I cancel a periodic payment?

Use the search to find the donor then click on VIEW DONATIONS. This view will show all the donations made by the donor. For donations that have been setup for periodic payment two buttons will appear on the right hand side: CANCEL PERIODIC and EDIT DONATION. To cancel the periodic payment then click on CANCEL PERIODIC.

What if the person is not entitled to a tax deductible receipt?

In the situation where a person is not entitled to a tax deductible receipt then the “NO RECEIPT” box can be selected on the DONATION page. This would be used in the instance where a person has been collecting donation on behalf other others such as at an event.

How do I setup REGULAR GIVING?

In the donation page select CREDIT CARD (regular giving is not available for cash or cheque). At the top of the list is the tick box option for Regular Giving. When this feature has been enabled it will allow you to setup automatic deductions from the donor’s credit card. By default the payments will come out on the 15th of each month.

What is the Merchandise button?

When you wish to send a person merchandise these can be recorded in the MERCHANDISE screen. This is aimed to provide a simple stock level information and is not intended to be a full inventory system.

When an item is purchased the quantity is entered and the type of payment that was used is recorded. The value of the item, the item description and initial stock levels are first setup in SETTINGS. When merchandise quantities are entered and the SUBMIT button is selected then the stock quantity is reduced by this amount.

What if a Donor only wants to be contacted at Christmas?

Use When-Media used button to recored the type of media preferred by the contact as well as if they only want to be contacted at a particular time of year.

Again as with the other functions the drop down items are all setup in the SETTINGS area. If the item is TICKED then it indicates that the donor is happy to be contacted in this manner. In general it would be preferred if all the boxes were selected.

Can I allocate donations in memory of a person?

In the SETTINGS select the IN Memory names and add the name. When the donation is being recorded you are now able to select this name from the drop down menu. To view the number of donations allocated to this name use the MARKETING INFO / Donation In Memory Of report.

Why are the periodic payments not showing up in the donation report?

For security reasons the Donor’s credit card details is not stored within the Donor Processor but is held with the Payment Gateway. Subsequently at regular intervals the Payment Gateway will automatically deduct the Donors credit card.

The Donor Processor does not automatically know the donation has occurred and at a regular interval the donation of regular givers needs to be downloaded from the Payment Gateway.

This is done by going to UPLOAD / UPLOAD PERIODIC RECEIVED. The file format has been set so all that needs to be done is to select the Browse for the file and upload.

What is the Tickets button used for?

The tickets page is a way of recording the number of tickets that have been sold to a particular event. It will allow you to include different value for tickets such as for Adults, children and Families and show the total in dollars and number of tickets sold.